There are many reasons why I {heart} FALL, but here are a few.
1. The decorations-Now that we have a bigger house I can decorate more. I have already bought many FALLISH decor items, but have not yet put them up.
2. The weather-I know, I know we live in St. George so it's still in the 90's, but when I leave work in the morning there is just that little coolness in the air-FALL air-I love it!
3. The colors-Again we live in St. George, so the leaves are not changing at all, but I know they are up north and I can't wait to go up and see all the FALL colors!
4. The clothes-The cool weather means sweatshirts. Greg and I went "school shopping" (I know I am not in school, but it's not FALL without school shopping), we both got new sweatshirts and can't wait to wear them. I must admit that we turned the air way down in the house so we could wear them and it was quite enjoyable!
5. The treats-Everyone knows that I love my treats, and there is nothing better than going down the FALL treat isle at the store. I love that everything comes in it's own little package. For some reason I think it's better when you get just the right amount of treat in a small package, but then I eat two or three packages! As of right this minute I am enjoying candy corns! Hey it says right on the package that they are a fat free treat! It can't get better than that my friends!
Also just as a side note, a few weeks ago we went to Zion Canyon with Clark, Shannon and Julia. We did the hidden canyon hike in the evening after the BYU football game. We had such a good time and I never posted the pictures so here they are!
3 days ago
Hooray! A post!
Patrick and Will love fall too. Me, I'm just mourning the loss of summer. But I do enjoy sweatshirts. And candy corns...obviously. (Will says creme pumpkins are the greatest treats ever)
The trees aren't quite turning yet. Actually, they're in the yucky stage when they're not green anymore but not turned either. It's semi-depressing!
Our most exciting fall news is that Will is instituting "Halloween Eve" at our house. (his idea) He's planning it down to the food being served, and the activities being undertaken. So, that sounds like it's going to be a great time!!
But, as you mentioned, fall in SG is a little bit different than up in the frigid north. If I was welcoming 70 or 80 degrees...I'd like it too.
yes it is true, everyone should get to go school shopping, whether in school or not! who cares...we all need new clothes once in a while! fall is by far my favorite time of year! the perfect weather, and the beginning of months of really can't be beat!
Once again I feel like the outsider to this whole Fall thing. I do like the cooler weather and the leaves changing but I really dislike what comes next. Why can't we skip Nov-March? Love your pictures though and love the ones from Alaska. Miss you guys.
I love that you turned the air down so you could wear you sweaters! I have to agree this is a wonderful time of year! We've been able to go out and work in our yard a bit and it has been so fun.
I love fall too, it's the best! Hey do you guys even remember me? Because if not, I'll stop leaving comments on your blog. Leave me a comment if you do remember me- and then you wont have to ever again after that...:)
hey long lost friends :) How are you doing? You look good.. We are just chillin in Portland, and chasing Jack around.. He is soo big.
This is Brad and Kaci King, by the way.. our blog address is
This is Brad and Kaci King, by the way.. our blog address is
My email is What is yours :) I am glad I found your blog.. thank goodness for Shannon :) If you look at baby pics of me.. Jackson is totally a mini me.. He has Brads ears..which I love
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