Thanks Lara for so kindly naming this post for me!
We have had lots of fun weekends in October-The first weekend my mom came down and stayed with us, the second weekend we went to Salt Lake for Grace's blessing and to Logan to help with the house, and Last weekend Lara and her family came to stay with us and it was the funnest of all three. Oh and this weekend Greg's family will be here for Thriller at Tuachan.
Back to the Garner's coming to visit. We had a blast: Lots of laughing, talking, surfing the internet, making fun of me, trying to talk Greg and Patrick into believing that Lara and I are not twins, staying up late, eating good food, and eating good treats. Not to mention the fun times at the sand dunes, and the "water park" (as Will calls it). I am still finding sand all over the house, but it was worth it.Did I mention we had a blast, because we did! Now that we have extra bedrooms I expect that the Garner's will be visiting more often, and they know they are always welcome (and so is anyone else that wants to make a trip to sunny St. George!)
P.S. I just have to give a shout out to the most heavenly cupcake from 25 Main. I'm not usually a cupcake fan, but this was AMAZING! Greg and I knew about 25 Main, but never went there, so we finally went when Lara suggested it. I'm pretty sure it will be a regular for us now.Thanks for a great time guys!!
3 days ago
Yep. So, that was one of our favorite vacations EVER!! And not just because of the cupcakes...although they helped a great deal. We love your house, and we loved our activities, and the food. Patrick and I both commented how lucky our kids are to have an Aunt and Uncle who are so nice to them.
Sorry 'bout the sand!! Bring some next time you come and sprinkle it all over my house. Then we'll be even!
Love ya, and thanks again!
Isn't it great to have a sister? All girls need a sister. St. George sounds so wonderful about now. Hopefully we can make it down there...before you move away someday.
What a great month! November has some big shoes to fill.
Steph Holy cow it has been forever. That last time i saw you was at your wedding shower. You look so cute. I am glad i found your blog so we can keep in touch a little better
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