This summer is going to be boring! Ok it might be a little early to pass judgment, but so far I'm not impressed. Steph worked Thursday and Friday and despite my best efforts I couldn't pick up a shift either day. Ideally I would work every day that Steph does and we would have days off together, but so far that's not happening. Thursday I sat at home all day and literally did nothing but watch tv. I can't imagine anything worse. I'm happy to say that Friday was much better. I decided to go to Snow Canyon to try out our new camera and I had a blast. Thank goodness we live so close to so many beautiful places. Maybe this summer won't be so bad after all. I hope to be able to go to Zions next week, but with gas being so expensive that's no cheap trip. Disneyland is one week away, but it can't come soon enough!
1 day ago
Hey, adult Greg. News flash. There comes a point when summer is just like the rest of the year, it's just hot. It stinks to grow up doesn't it? That is frustrating not to be able to work the same days though. That would make things much better. Glad you got to see the beautiful scenery in Snow Canyon. I heard on the news that all the wild flowers were out right now down in St. George. Beautiful pictures!!
That's just it Angela, our past two summers have been completely different than the rest of the year. And they've definitely not been hot. We've been spoiled and now it's back to the real world. Lame.
Hey Angela...I cannot express my enjoyment at your "adult Greg" comment! Patrick and I seriously laughed out loud. (And we're pretty sure that is going to be Greg's new name!)
And yep, the woman speaks the truth. Summer Vacation time's over sweetie!
While this world seems to think that growing up is inevitable...I (and it appears that Greg as well) believe that certain things should never be ended. One of those things should be the "Summer Fun Rule." Think "Finding Neverland" or "Mr. Magorium" here people!
Definitely nothing worse than daytime television that's for sure. Channel 13 has seemed to turn into the "Judge" channel. How many judge shows can you have? Apparently you can never have too many. If you can't find work, try contacting the J. Peterman catalog. I hear they're hiring.
I'm loving the St. George pics. Very nice. Bravo Greg R.N, bravo.
Give me the 411 on the new blogger templates. Mine needs a face lift stat.
Have a glorious time in Disneyland!
hey at least your going to disneyland this year! my only summer highlight will be an occasional trip to the city pool! and i'm actually excited about that!!
hey steph...are you coming to our girls trip the end of this month?? i know kara was trying to get a hold of you! we want everyone there it will be so fun!!! if you want details!
Call me what you want, but I refuse to resign myself to watching 8 hours of tv a day. If you guys didn't have kids I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be happy sitting at home all day either. Isn't summer supposed to be fun? I guess all of you (with the exception of Steven and Cami) would answer NO to that question.
Sorry, I seem to have created a new nickname for you. :-) I like summers because we can spend more time outside and that is fun for me. I just mean, there comes a point when you are done with school and have a job that summer is just like the rest of the year because you don't get a break, unless you take vacation time. You don't have the whole summer to play. You just have a few days here and there. And yea, then the kids come, and you get to watch Dora and crap like that instead of judge shows and talk shows. Not sure what is worse. Aint life great? Think Disneyland.
Who said Greg is an adult. I believe I just heard him say he watched TV all day?
No, I totally agree. Summer is and should be fun. You just have to make accomodations for the adult factor. Totally doable.
Hey Kelly, not only did Greg just say he watched TV all day...but next week he's going to Disneyland! ...I'm just sayin'....
Greg you're not alone with the summer fun thing though. Our kids think summer is fun too, they don't have to go to school and they don't have silly things like jobs getting between them and the pool every day!
I'm all about playing in the summer. Forget work...I quit. Totally over-rated anyway! Money...over-rated, healthcare...over-rated. Let's all just play and find outdoor things to do as opposed to watching T.V. all day.
This is Jalene (Steph's Uncle Mike's wife)checking out your blog :) Hope you don't mind.
Your pics are beautiful. We just got home from St. George (sorry we missed seeing you) and I missed out on taking some photos of all the blooming cactus, etc. so I was glad to see you took some to share.
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